Innov Community Participation

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Community Participation

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Community Participation

Innovative Community Participation

Are you searching for the best Innovative Community Participation service? Look no further than My Choice & Control!

Our Innovative Community Participation Program at MyChoice and Control is designed to support NDIS participants to build skills to actively participate in their community.  Through side-by-side practice, the program involves highly skilled Community Engagement Practitioners who assist participants to expand their opportunities for community participation and employment.  Community Engagement Practitioners adopt a capacity-building, community-based approach by working with participants in their local community to increase the likelihood of uptake and successful transition away from the service to informal support and/or employment.

Our Community Engagement Practitioners at MyChoice and Control maintain a focus on resilience, well-being, and personal growth to successfully connect to the community, however, each service is tailored to best suit the participant, and their goals, to allow them to get the most out of the service.  As appropriate, participants who access this program can expect support working on:

  • The importance of community engagement, social contribution, and relationships in maintaining personal wellbeing
  • Gaining awareness of personal interests, skillsets and passions and linking these to employment pathways
  • Emotional awareness and self-regulation
  • Self-awareness and self-care
  • Adaptive social competency including increased awareness of social norms and expectations
  • Their relationship with their disability, independence, confidence and self-worth
  • Capacity building for seeking assistance in the community context without ongoing formalised supports
  • Navigating systems and programs to successfully participate in their community and employment pathwayPreparation and support to access training and employment opportunities

Innovative Community Participation NDIS

We at MyChoice and Control are a registered NDIS provider and are able to provide Innovative Community Participation support to portal-managed (NDIS-Managed), plan-managed, and self-managed NDIS participants.  

Innovative community participation is like typical community participation, however, this is specific to those who would like to be involved in the support offered by MyChoice and Control. We provide support to the community that you can also be involved in and use your NDIS funding to attend, however, some of our supports don’t require funding as well. You can be involved in the community, make connections, socialise, and receive support through our programs, activities, and events.  

Participating in the community improves well-being as you are able to feel connected to people and the community. Improved well-being also affects different aspects of life including education, employment, health, and satisfaction, and your well-being is our priority. The community also benefits from your involvement as it means that My Choice & Control can continue to run our community participation programs and help more people like you.

If you are looking for Innovative Community Participation NDIS services, feel free to reach us!

Our NDIS Innovative Community Participation Services

At MyChoice and Control Disability Care Services, we provide our participants the opportunity to explore their potential by accessing Innovative Community Participation. This program is designed to support people with disabilities to learn new skills and polish pre-existing skills so that they are able to actively participate in the community and related events and programs.

It is understood that many people with disability might not be able to enjoy or socialise as much as others and this can affect their well-being hence Inclusion is the main aim of this support/program. Innovative community participation involves various events where participants can socialise and make connections with the community as well as take part in it. They can also discover new opportunities that would have otherwise remained unknown to them. Our exceptional team is dedicated to your cause and helps you gain confidence in every step you take.

The following services are included in our Innovative Community Participation program:

  • Assistance with finding suitable employment: we assist you in building up on your skills so that you can effectively and independently find gainful employment
  • Assistance with setting up your own small business
  • Workshops to learn new skills
  • Mentoring to overcome any challenges you face at your workplace
  • Participation in free community events
  • Self-awareness and self-care

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